Heal from Past Trauma
Connect with the Divine

My Spiritual Journey
Healing and Guidance
From an early age I wanted to be of service to others and focused on the field of education and mental health to fulfill that need. During my career and in my personal life, I was able to use my intuition quite often to provide insights to others as well as to myself when I chose to listen. I believe that we all are intuitive, but as we navigate life’s challenges, we often forget to listen to that small still voice that resides in us. After the death of my husband in 2014, I began to recognize my ability to connect with the unseen world. This gift has blessed me with the opportunity to gently guide others on their spiritual path and offer another dimension to healing as they fulfill their soul's purpose.
Helping you navigate hardships, uncertainty, grief, and life at large. I hope to help you find the service that matches your needs. My work is for you, let's make it count.

Private Sitting
Fee is $145 for a 30 minute reading. Available in person or via Zoom
As a psychic and medium, I have been gifted with the ability to connect with you at a very deep personal and spiritual level to assist you in your journey. If your needs are psychic, then I will share insights into your current situation and assist you in navigating life’s challenges, rewards, and your soul’s purpose. If loved ones have passed and want to offer their love and support, I am able to blend with them to act as their spokesperson. During a mediumship reading, messages are embedded in the information that is shared. Evidence is provided to assist in you in knowing that the communicator truly is your loved one. At one time, I divided my services by offering either psychic or mediumship readings but believe that when we work together, whatever is in your highest and best interest will occur. Therefore, I no longer differentiate between two types of readings so that I am truly serving your need.

Fee is $15 per person, minimum of 10 people, delivered by zoom, and lasting 45 to 60 minutes.
Often individuals would like to explore the Spirit World with a group of people rather than have individual sessions. Depending on the size of the group, not everyone will receive a reading as I connect with loved ones in the Spirit World. However, enough evidence is presented in these demonstrations to assist in understanding these communications.
There are times when I will do these live, and these dates and times will be posted on my website.